Governor’s Harbor

Central Eleuthera – Things to see

Official Eleuthera Harbor Island brings you information on Governor’s Harbor.

Governor’s Harbor is one of the best places in The Bahamas. Being the capital of Eleuthera, it’s the biggest town on this island and, needless to say, the most stunning one. The town is known for Victorian-era homes on the Buccaneer Hill, which overlook this harbor. 

The town is home to multiple government offices, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to enjoy it. Governor’s Harbor is meant to be explored on foot, so keep your walking shoes or cute flip-flops and walk up the narrow lanes. This town is a perfect place for people who want a genteel experience. 


Governor’s Harbor is the epitome of slow life and beautiful memories because when in this town, you will be able to enjoy the smaller things of life and make life-long memories. Some activities that you can try include;

– Painting Class – if you want to be in the flow and let your creative juices flow, it’s best to take a painting glass with Donna Allen on Monday mornings. She summers in Martha’s Vineyard, and can be reached on the island at 242-332-0051.

– Movies – you might have watched hundreds of movies in your advanced city cinemas, but nothing shall matches the quaintness of watching a classic movie on the Globe Princess’ theater. In fact, if you go, you will be able to get the best hamburgers, so ditch the popcorns for once. 

– Swim – what’s the point of being around the beaches when you don’t swim the waters? So, swim across the gorgeous beaches that are located around the town – the beaches that range from pink sands to white sands; there is so much nature to relax your mind.

Governor's Harbor

Well, Governor’s Harbor is a majestic place that has to be explored whenever you have the time. However, if you don’t want to end up in a hotel because of bad weather, it’s best to visit anytime from mid-March to mid-May, particularly when you are into hot summer activities. On the contrary, late-October to December is also a great time to enjoy some colder winds.