Current Settlement

North Eleuthera – Things to see

Official Eleuthera Harbour Island brings you information on Current Settlement. Current Settlement is a lovely, pleasant & peaceful small community created 200 years ago in North Eleuthera, about 6 miles from Lower Bogue and 10 miles from North Eleuthera Airport.

The small town has only three businesses: a small grocery store called “Durham’s General Store,” a historic Methodist Church, and a post office that also acts as a library. Along with the rainbow Bahamian residences, there are some old classic weathered grey buildings that have endured the test of time – impressive given how harsh the environment can be on any island. Traveling along the relatively tiny “Main street” to the end of Current Settlement gives you that classic sense of being isolated and “at the end of the road.”

Northwest of downtown Current Settlement is a collection of attractive vacation cottages, some of which are available for rent. The beaches aren’t as large as some of Eleuthera’s larger beaches, but they’re no less gorgeous and enjoyable to explore.

Current Cut

The Current Cut is ideal for snorkelling, diving, and swimming. “This dive may be one of the highlights of your entire life,” it is said. Because it is a narrow canal, the river moves quickly. Eleuthera’s pointy tip and the nearby island of Current are only approximately 300 feet apart. The Current Cut is formed by two islands that are tip-to-tip.

As the tide begins to rise on the northwestern side – the Atlantic side – it is still falling on the south-eastern or Caribbean side – the Exuma sound. After two hours, the Exuma sound begins to rise as well. This causes a significant tidal action from the open sea into Eleuthera Sound, the shallower sea, via the Current Cut. The flow is reversed as the tides shift. However, seeing the ocean’s water flow like a river is exciting…

To minimize any confusion, Current Island is located directly across from Current Settlement. So Current is the island opposite Eleuthera, and Current Settlement is the community on North-southernmost Eleuthera’s tip.