What can you bring duty free to The Bahamas

If you are traveling to the Bahamas, you may be wondering what items you can bring into the country duty-free. The Bahamas allows duty-free entry for a variety of items, including:

  1. 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 1 pound of tobacco
  2. 1 liter of wine or spirits
  3. Personal effects and clothing
  4. Cameras and other personal electronics for personal use
  5. Fishing tackle and sporting equipment for personal use

Please note that these allowances are subject to change and you should always check with the Bahamian Customs Department for the most up-to-date information before you travel. Additionally, if you are planning to bring back any souvenirs or other goods, be aware that you may be required to pay duty or taxes on these items when you return to your home country.


duty free bahamas