Spanish Wells Museum
Official Eleuthera Harbour Island brings you more information on the Spanish Wells Museum.
The Spanish Wells Museum is located in the northwest of Eleuthera in Spanish Wells. The museum pays tribute to the first Bahamas. The place is filled with ancient relics from the 17th century. The Lucayans were the first Bahamas and were wiped out by the European occupations. However, their precious tools and pottery were saved to represent the ancient civilization.
If you are someone who is interested in learning more about the Spanish Wells Museum and want to visit the place, then the Official Eleuthera Harbour Island brings you information on the Spanish Wells Museum.
What to Expect At the Spanish Wells Museum?
The Spanish wells museum is a small museum located inside an old house on the Leo Pinder Street. This museum is single-handedly managed by a lady who has been working in the museum for the past several years. She enlightens you about the ancient artifacts and statues that are found in the museum.
You can visit the museum for an hour and learn all about the traditional life of the Bahamas. You will also find some interesting and unexpected pottery and artifacts in the museum. Even though the Spanish Wells Museum is small, it is home to some of the ancient statues and heirlooms, which are considered extremely important and are worth a lot of money.
The entry fee for the Spanish Wells Museum is only $10. Make sure to visit the museum on your next visit to Spanish Wells.