Cars rentals in Eleuthera


Car rentals in EleutheraGetting around Official Eleuthera Harbour Island brings you more information on the car rentals in Eleuthera and Harbour Island. Harbour Island in the Bahamas does not allow car rentals. IF you do need a car for getting around Eleuthera, you can rent one and leave it on Eleuthera for your visits to…

Bicycle rentals in Eleuthera


Bicycle rentals in EleutheraGetting around Official Eleuthera Harbour Island brings you more information on the bicycle rentals in Eleuthera. Renting a bicycle in Harbour Island and Eleuthera in the Bahamas is probably one of the best ways to explore the islands. In order to truly appreciate the natural environment and exceptional 19th century architecture on…

Eleuthera Real Estate

Why buying Eleuthera real estate

Why buying Eleuthera Real Estate Official Eleuthera Harbour Island brings you more information on why buying Eleuthera real estate. Eleuthera estate includes some of the most exclusive properties in the Bahamas and attracts affluent buyers from around the world. The island’s warm weather, hospitable people, festive traditions, and laid back lifestyle is what draws many…

Ownership policy in Eleuthera

BAHAMAS PROPERTY OWNERSHIP POLICY, NON-BAHAMIANS Official Eleuthera Harbour Island brings you more information on the ownership policy in Eleuthera. The Government of the Bahamas’ property ownership policy has very little limitations when it comes to foreigners purchasing real estate in Harbour Island. In fact, in order to promote economic growth and development and to support…