miscellaneous information


Miscellaneous. Information about Harbour Island, Bahamas Harbour Island, or ‘Briland’ to its residents, is the one of most beautiful of the Bahamas Out Islands and has been named the ‘Best Island in the Caribbean’ by Fodors and Conde Nast. This affluent island is one of the oldest settlements in the Bahamas and has managed to…

pets harbour island


Pets in Harbour Island, Bahamas Travel with pets in Harbour Island  Traveling with pets in Harbour island is easy but requests a little bit of preparation for their owners. Those requirements apply to cats and dogs. The process is straightforward but needs to be completed by their owners, otherwise precious pets will be barred from…

drinking water harbour island

Drinking water

Drinking water in Harbour Island, Bahamas The water quality in Harbour Island is not the best city water, it is brownish and has a salty odor. The large majority of hotels and upscale vacation rentals in Harbour island have a reverse osmosis plant also known as desalination. The process is simple and complex at the…

Electrical outlets

Electrical outlets in Bahamas Electrical outlets in Bahamas are 60 Hertz and 120 volts. The standard plugs used are Type A and Type B plugs in which case appliances from North American are fully compatible. Type A plug has two flat side-by side pins. Type B plug also has the two flat parallel pins and…


Cell phones

Cell phones in Bahamas Nowadays staying connected is a must for most travelers and you will be able to use your cellphone in a decent way in Bahamas. Just do not expect the same reliability as in the US. You may have to move a little bit in the house or out of the house…